Our theatre roof was nearly 150 years old and in need of replacement. On the 1st September 2023, after 3 years of fund-raising, we finally have a new roof on the theatre.

This work would not have been possible without the financial support received from the following organisations who we gratefully thank:-

  • The Bernard Sunley Foundation
  • The Foyle Foundation
  • The FreshgateTrust
  • Barnsley MBC Better Barnsley Bond
  • Captain Allott’s Trust

Included in the work was a long-overdue upgrade to the insulation to meet current building regulations. Hopefully this will help to reduce the heat loss from the building during the winter.

Thanks to M Hudson Roofing Ltd who carried out the work in the promised time-scale despite encountering an angry wasps nest and working through several days of very wet weather.

And last but not least thanks to Jeff Tiler for all the hard work in applying to many sources for the funding required for this project.

The dressing room roof has the old chimney stack removed and a new roof